Midwestern Engineers, Inc. Plan Preview

0 INDEX 1•3 l i:illPl>Cotr,.,nt I>,: n<llcul>rCurbJ!arn Co OJ>llnt Oelot; 5 One-W -Oin,ct;,oalPe endlcu...-Curt> T calPlo<emen! 6 One.-W ·Dn!c(CMIPe endiculorCwrta Rill! Com nent Ol!tills BlendedTn,n!lti'.lnCt"1> Co '1ent O.tat'l Med"1111Cut·Throu hiWICII-led""P1!ri><nd0Jlo<CUrb icalPSIC.emem GENERAL NOTES: 1. /\Uslopes"'e�bsoluteratl'>elttia,,,,..tivf,tott,esi<H!"MJlkor rwdwaygrad<!-Slopes at"'1Sl 0.50%lessthantriemoxlmumarcpreferred 2, !I.amp«BJende<lTran,atioo,Aramp«bie<lood-sll<>II be use:I to k,,,,,l!fo,r rai..thesl<lewalktoconr>eclwiththestreetor hi!,lhway. l. TurningSpa<,,.Arumlng:<pao,<,',ajl beprc,,,\dc(jat thetop ol a-,cllrular ram(>, bottomela paralle l ramp , e>rwherethepede<trlantra\l<'I requin,sa change Indkectlon.Acorronon�,;pacemaybe"""'-'d!Jvad}aCMT.ramps. Theturning�<hallnave• miNm<JmcieNdlmeMlol,ol4ft�4rt. WIien,the tumtr,,;i<c»<eIsm,wa.,.,;atIlle!la<IIolthe<i<lewo l l<bya rurb, retalRng wall, bull<l i og,or feahire """'2klchesInt..igh�themlnimumdear -SNIRbe4rtxS rt.w1111 Ille 5-l'tdlrnertSlon In lhedln!c!1cmollhernmp roru,lngslope. 4. RaredSkle.Al1areosioostiallbe"5edadjacent to awalubloS1Jrfl>::e.Al\ared siae may beu.-..d ad�tto a,,,,,,.....,alk;ablc ,urt;,ce_AnarwAAst>a l l have •�5lol>ad10.00%me,osuredparalleltolhe!>;>ckolthocurb. 5. 11.erurnC.urb.A'1e\Urncurt>e;pi;,ceoperpendi<llartothe roadwavCllltl.Areturna>1>maybe used od;a.c,,,it "' a--walkatlle.surface.A,.rum rurt>shall notbeused ad�:;oa wolkableStJrfoce.Thoreturno,rt,rnaybeomitted whete meoon-w;,lkable!,.Jrf� is "are<! arKI thei:u-t,adjace,-,ttheroadwayis taperedto ..-.11>eRush rum attl1eoa(l;nmorthe ramp. 6. CleatSpace.Adear spaoeshall befl(Ol'llledt,cyOfll!thebottc>mgrade br&>kolarurt,rampwtJollycent.a,...,witn,n mecros.swalk and • •lloUyoutsfdo the !)i>tilllel.-ehb.t!artravelpart,,Th<clear space-have•rni,, ;mumdear d im<!<ISiond4!'t,4It. 7. o,,u,a,,ble Wa,,...,Surface./\<letecl-v.arnlng0<>tloce.shallwnsistoltnmcatel -•nd beplacedatoad,.tr-. highway.« r,, l lroadqo,;s;ng,Toe <leteaat,lewa1mlr111Sl.llfoce srollexte!lda m!romum "12 ft Inthe d....:tk>ndpeaesuiantravel andbeplacedtheentire wl<!th of a ramp, blcnde<Jlrar,s!tion, .. . !Umlr111sP,>(e, 8. Rutv\lngSloop,.The rurring,-.lopeola ramp,blendedtransition,orn.rnlngi.p.,ceshall bemeasurulpar,,llel tothe� lrectlonoli>ede<ll-1"'1tra\l,d. a. Arunolngslopeol:l.00%co-le<s«�level. b . Arampshal l ha..,am.»:imumOJMing51<,peciiB.33%t>..t<hll�rl<Jlrequire a ramp""1\jlh toe,reed15 ft. <. Ablencle<!tJan5ltion--ama><lmcrnnn"lingslopedS.00%. d. Atumlngsoaceshall have•rna>JmUmnwilnQslopeol2.00%. 9. Wldm.Unies>-noted,minimumwi<ftnrJa ramp.blendedtra<l5tllon,..-tur/llngspace,••duding flaredsidesorra,.rncurt,. s1>anbe�It. 10.Grad<8Mi<.A gr.,clebrulratthe top andbci(ltJmola romp,blendecltraositlori, o,rtumingspa<e >ho! bepen>l!OOiaJlar toll>e runrilngslope. Grade� <railootbewtthir,ther.,rnp,�tror,sttx,n,turningSP<><",or clet>!ctable w�og...-fi><e. Gr"'3<tin,a�shal l>enu,;1,,Vertbl�tjnullleS<ho! not l>e gre.,ie,-than 1/2"'·Where• dis<;orllinuity<Sgn:,..,.tl\arl J/4 In.\hi,svrf3<e>I>•�bebeYeledwill!a>lopeootstett,erthan tv:ztl. 11.crossSlopeElcejltlorls.Thecm«,-.lopeolaramµ,� transition,«lllrnlng spacesh,11 1 be mea<11r<.'dpe,pendlruia,to the dkectlOnof�lrav!:,l. a. Themaxn>.JmcrossSIOPe at ape6estrlan<tre<,t"""'"'9w!thootyield O<st<.,;,rnntrolst.,11be5.00%. b. The maximumc,,,,,sslopeOI apedestr1,lnsrree,:amslngwttti yll"idorstopCOf1lrnl.<Mil be2-00%. <. Thi! ..-numCl'QS5sicpeata mi<Tbkrlamsir,gshall betheembllslledgradeoftheadjacentroadway. 12. Coor,ter Slope. Ao:,onu,rslopeIstile = slopeof tilegutter0<,m,e,:� then.flnlngslopeoftheramp.bl <.'odccltransltlon.0<tumlog -,e, See StandardOr-"""'1g€604-SWCR-!4 fi:,<Wnter slope details. 13.Objectssucha;; a<llllltvCOYer, vau!l frame,andgrallng"""Ibepl>cedoutsideL...._o, r h ramp, 14.curt, ramps wn bepla,cedwttt,;nlhema.1'.odcrcsswalk"""· is.�in".etsstiwldbe�w!,iijfrom acurbramptol)(t'VCl"ltpond"")Jtthe painorpede;;Qiamtrove. f1IQBL0CK CROSSlNG C,_URB RAMP , 2.5 ft FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL PAIRED PARALLEL CURB RAMPSALONG LARGE RADIUS 1.5 ft FOR SIGN OR OTHER APPURTENANCE 1 ft CURB APPURTENANCE APPURTENANCE FREEZONE APPURTENANCE FREE ZONE NOT TO SCALE • ' \ '. ' .. ' TYPICAL CURB RAMP COMPONENTS •, �· Morl<ings ', INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CURB RAMP DRAWING INDEX AND GENERAL NOTES SEPTEMBER 2018 STANDARD DRAWING NO. E 604-SWCR-01 OJ/20/18 MIT (D W11crethere Is no buffer t><;tweer,the sidewalk arld curt>the r,refened min i mum sidewalk width is 6 ft. Where a buffer Is placed betw<:cn the sJdew.,lk andrurb, the preferred minimum sk!ewalk width Is 5 ft. See Standard OrnwlngSerlesE6-04-SOWK f0< sidewalk de!alls. 2. The tum i ng spaceshall have a m i nimum dear dll"Jle'flSioo of 4 Itx 4 It and a nmnl!ig slope of2.1)0% maximum.Wllere the turnlr.g space Is coostralned at the back of the sidewalk, the minimum dear dimens� shall be4 ft x S It, w i th the 5-ft dimension inthe direction of the romp running slo�. LEGEND: [3 Buffer or Olher Nll<l·Walk;,ble Surface El "'""' BlIT] l:lerectlble Warning surface � Turning Spact' @J OearSpace INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAIRED PARALLEL CURB RAMPS AND MIDBLOCK CROSSING CURB RAMP lYPICAL PLACEMENT SEPTEMBER 2016 STANDARD DRAWING NO. E 604-SWCR-07 03/15/16 MIT • Back of Flw;h Curb PERPENDICULAR CURB RAMP • • Front Face of DWS -----Back of F l ushOJrb The detectilb l e wamin g sutfoce shall be placedperpe11d!cu l ar to the ramp wherethe l argest distance between the front foce of the detect;,,ble w..ml ng surface ar'ld back of curb is s ft or less. Ba<i:ofFll.lshOJrb PARALLEL CURB RAMPG) The detectable waming surface shall bep l aced at the back of OJrb where the largest distance between trne front face of the detectable warning surface and bad< of curb Is greater than S � EliK:I<ofFlusn Curb ONE-WAY DIRECTIONAL PERPENDICULAR CURB RAMPS ON A RADIUS Q) Back o! Flush Curb BLENDED TRANSffiON CURB RAMP@ S"idewalk Expansion Jolnl B� Crosswalk Martlng LEGEND: [:J Buffer or Other Non-Walkable Surface [ill] Detectab l e Warning Surface (DWS) BR.amp @Gri>de Break Back ofF l ush (;Jrb DEPRESSED CORNER CURB RAMP@ Ramp u 1 m Running Slope R. amp u,m Running S l ope IE l ev.!·Ele11.21 Ramp Length, I Elev. 4 - Elev. 3 I Ramp Length, I Elev. 7 - Eleo.8 I Sidi.-walk Width R.ampu. "' IE�. 9-Elev.lOI cross Slape Sidewalk W i <lth $833% s8. 33% $2.00% 1. A. detectable womlng surface shall be placed ateachstreet, highway, or railroad aossing. See Standard Drawir19 E 604-SDWK-03 for a cletectai>lewo,rnlng surface p l acement at a sidewalk dMveway cr�ng. l . Toe detectable warning 5!.lrface shall extend a minimum of 2.ft in the direct i on of pedestrian travel and extend thefull width ass llow n.The detecniblemmingsu,faceSNlll not bepl=d acrossa gtade break (I) Where the dlst:Jnce fromo,e face of the�blewarning surface Is 5 ft or l ess from too back of curb, the detectable warning surfara5/iaU be p�perpend i cular totheramp.Where the distance from the fac e of thedetectible,...,ming surface Is mornthan5ft: from thetli>ck of curb, the detectab l e warning surface shill! be placed at the back of curb as shOW11 or In an s1ltemate plaooment coofiguraHon, See Standard Drawing E 604·S\'JCR·l3 for altematedetectao!E warning surfacepiac.ement. @ Toe deted:i!ble warning surface on a par.,lleJ a.,rt, r.,mp shall beplaced on the turning space at the flu'ih translrjon between the street and turning sp;,r:eat the back of OJrti. @ The delectable wamTng surfaceon a blendedlnlnsltlon or depressed come, shall be plac,,d at the bad or curt, as srlOWlior in an alternate placement configuration, See SUmdard Draw i ng E 60'l·SWCR·13 for alternate detectable warning surface placement. 6. See Standard D.-awing E 604-SWCR-14 lor detectable warning surface deti'li!s. INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE PLACEMENT AND CONFIGURATION SEPTEMBER 2018 STANDARD DRAWING NO. E 604-SWCR-12 /sf'F.&a6etfi •W. !J'fiiili ps O<IF . f1:NG!Nl'E� OJ/29/18 04/25/18 (D The bottom edge of the turning space and top of a,rb shall be nl.<5h with the edge of adjacent pavement and gutter line. @ The tum,ng space shall have a m;nlmum clear d imension of 4 fl: x 4 ft and a running s l ope ol 2.00% maximum. Whi!retheturn i ng Space Is CO!ll,1ra-ined al the back of the slctewalk, the minimum dear d imension shall be 4 ft x 5 ft, with the 5-ftdlmens i nn In the d i rection o!the ramp running slGpe. @ OJrb ramp surface shall be coarse broomed transverse to the n.rnning sl ope . © Where there isnoOOffer between tne sidewalk and o,rb, u,e p,eferreo minimum sldewalk width Is6 ft. Wllere a lluffcr ls placed between the sidewalk and curb, the preferred minimum sidewalk wldth Is S ft. See Starn!ard Draw i ngSeries E 604-SDWK for sidewalk details @ See Standard Drawing E 604-SWCR-Ol for ooss slope exceptions. 6. See Sti'lndard Drawing E 60'!-SWCR-12, -13, and -14 forDete::table Warning Sumlce placemen� configurat>nn, arid detlils. 7. See Standard Drawing E604-CCSJ-Ol for sidewalke><P<lnsk>njoint details. V V � � --- - - - -�'Ir - - - - - - , v "' .,. "'" "' j-- - - - -� "' c•aPc W c l c d< c'� - - -BrickDetectab l e ---+t 2" Max. within Ramp W>dth 4•M1n.Tot1il� Border Width BRICK DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE WITH CONCRETE BORDER @0 BroshedWarnir,gElements(Typ.) TYPICAL RAMP AND BRICK SURFACE CONSTRUCTION DETAIL I 2'-0" Min. ![ '_.' ·_�:·,�P \ \ :e ' "' o ;'\,c·�,"".� "; �-�J,_:r;::)':• ·• ·, .. r·�··-c• "' -•c:.: 0 '. _,.cc� · '.:: ,� H L•�· ;o · ::'_ · �· · �- _ · i· :· �· =·�- '�· �· :_ �·=· J ·=· �' :,J' ··· : ; � ·Piv€M : �-;R·: . ;; . � . ' . ·� � ·' . . . . ., � - , . ., � . . ; _ , .� - . .GtlTTFFt l' --6" 501 X 1'-10" - . ' ' . . .-. ·• � . . ,. ;. . � ·. - .;. .. • : . . 501 Spa. @ 18" 11.elnforcettie OJrb if separate from ramp ALTERNATE CURB CONSTRUCTION SECTION A-A � .6" Min. - 2.4" Ma><. TRUNCATED DOMES S.00%Mal< -c:ounter Gutteri:< Street --curtiasrequ i red. may befflOrl<li!hk: wl1:h INelstrip CHANGE OF GRADE> 11%® 0 w 2 0-0 � w o­ n. 0-w I- WIDTH OF WALK OR MAX 6'-0" u; z � BETWEEN TRANSVERSE JOINTS � w 0 � 0- � :'; w z u; i5 " 0-w � > � z 0- I- 1. Oeti:<;t,ible wamITTg surt..ce5/iall con>istoftrurn;;ited domes. 0om"5 shall be aligned In a S(!uare or radial grld pattern with d i ameter and cmteH,x:enter spac i ng within therangesspecified. 2. The detedilble warning r.urface may be fie l d rut. Truncated dome spacingbetween adjacent parielsshall be withinth(: rangesspedAed, 3. The detectable w..rnlng surfoce shall contrastvisually withadjace,"1\ surfaces,either light-on-dark or llilrk-orHight. �- The! !erect.ab l e w..rning surfoce shall ""tend a minimum of 2 It in the dlrnct ion of,> Cdestrlantravel and exterid the full w i dth as shoom.The detectible warnlr19surfMl.'WUnotbe placedacrossa grade break. {[)The maximum counter s l ope of the gutter or weet at thebottomrl the ramp shall be5.00%. Where the a l gebraic d i fferencebetween the running ",lc,pe and thecounter slopeexceeds11%, a 2-lt minimum level str i p should be provl<led at the bottom ol the ramp. © Where aconcreteborder Is used !Of rormlng, tt>eborder shall be CilSI monolithic.ally with thecurb ramp concrete. The ronaetebonier shall notreduce the ramp wk.flhbymorethan 2 in. on�side. {J) Where forming other than a conr;reteborder i> used, theedge restraintshall not encroach up0<1 the ramp width. INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE DETAILS SEPTEMBER 2018 STANDARD DRAWING NO . I- z i5� w u; 0-w u; z ., 0- I- E 604-SWCR-14 w 2 0- � w 0- "' OJ/29/18 MIT Tumln.gSpace 0 ,. IE l ev. 2-Ek !v.JI . SlD0%@ CrossSlope ' Turning Spac: e w , ,m, Tu,nln.g Space I �le11. 6 -Be-,. 5 I Running S l ope u ,• Sidewalk W i dth I .-l' l ev. 4 R.amp Length ' Bw ',I ; ,m Ing S ace@ " " "' ' . �, Width ' I C<,_ -'-'- . . , . ,. ..• ' ' ., .. .. .. ··· - " . ' -� Joint (Typ.) SidewalkExpan,ion Jo i nt) � '� !j SECTION B-B Sidewalk Wldth@ Detectable Wamlng Surface� (DWSJ SECTION A -A E i ev. l I I ' �Elev. 2 -� .. ,, . . • .,_.. •" • . - �· · . ' . , • . ' �, ' "--Detectable warnlr,g Surfac:e (DWS) " ' ' 6" min. BelowDWS :S 2.00% LEGEND: El Ramp I'"' ii' I Detedilble Wam,rig Surface � Turning Space INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 4B' BETWEEN EXPANSION JOINTS (MAX) PARALLEL CURB RAMP COMPONENT DETAILS SEPTEMBER 2018 -� .... ·• STANDARD DRAWING NO. E 604-SWCR-08 PREPARED SUB GRADE COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 207 OF THE LATEST VERSION OF INDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS BASE SHALL CONSIST OF 6-INCHES OF COMPACTED B-BORROW OR COMPACTED #53 STONE. NOTES: 1 . EDGE AND BROOM FINISH. NO "PICTURE FRAME" FINISHED Will BE PERMITIED 2. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS "A"' CONCRETE W/ FIBER MESH REINFORCEMENT 3. 9" DEPTH CONCRETE AND 6" COMPACTED AGGREGATE. NO. 53 TO BE USED ACROSS DRIVES 4. All TRANSITIONS BETWEEN EXISTING WALKS, CURBS, GUTIERS, OR DRIVEWAYS MUST BE FLUSH AND FREE FROM ABRUPT CHANGES 5. OWNER MUST ALLOW ADEQUATE TIME FOR CURING OF CONCRETE. DAMAGE ASSOCIATED WITH PREMATURE USAGE OF THE WALK BY OWNER OR CONTRACTOR WILL NOT BE REIMBURSED 6. CONTRACTOR AND OWNER ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANUP OF All FORMS, SPILLED MATERIAL, AND OTHER DEBRIS GENERATED BY THE PROJECT CONCRETE SIDEWALK OR TRAIL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE VARIES I 1.5% SLOPE 1'-5 " 1" 6" f------------j 1-1 [.::. �--�·, . .. •. . -- ...... � · · :, · .. . ( .·-. ..... _ : . ·· .:•,·""••; .. · . �- .• . . . . .... · • RAISEDY:," TO ALLOW SETILEMENT \'----- . :• 2% MIN . CD ··._-t I · oo · ... ,,. 1.".� .. . · . •. . :p:i� - � · ·· - �!' �-· ·"'·.:-, _J PREPARED SUB GRADE COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 207 OF THE LATEST VERSION OF INDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS _J BASE SHALL CONSIST OF 6-INCHES OF COMPACTED B-BORROW OR COMPACTED #53 STONE. L.__._ )1" PREFORMED JOINT FILLER 1 F-. • "" . · .= ...... ... �. ,t.- . ., -<' ,. Of .... \:: , .... 2'-0" 6" CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DETAIL SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO CURB NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL DETAILS REVISIONS 0 2024 Micto,estemEngineers. !nc. S02 Wtsl Droadway Street P.O. Dox 295 Longoo1.:e. !ndian" 47553 OAT£ JUNE 2024 DESIGN TMK DRAWN DRKLMKW Q.C. CHECK CWR PROJECT NUMBER 2022115-00 7 7 or 20 I Alf NUMBER I 43471 Do Not Use Plan Previews for Take Off