Midwestern Engineers, Inc. Plan Preview

DESIGN SUMMARY PETERSBURG WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS­ PHASE II I. GENERAL II. 1. Applicant: City of Petersburg 2. Facility Name: Petersburg Wastewater Treatment Plant 3. Project Title: Wastewater System Improvements, Phase II 4. Project location: 307 W. Spruce Road, Petersburg, IN 5. Design Engineer: Clint Roos, P.E. 6. Engineering Company: Midwestern Engineers, Inc. 7. NPDES Permit Number: IN0024325 A. Effective Date: July 1, 2016 B. Expiration Date: June 30, 2021 8. Project Scope: A. B. C. Description of existing treatment facilities: The existing WWTP is a trickling filter plant with UV disinfection and anaerobic digestion. The average daily design flow rate is 0.6 MGD. Currently there is no flow equalization. Description of project needs: The WWTP needs to be expanded to handle existing and future projected flows. Much of the existing process equipment has exceeded its useful life and needs to be either replaced or upgraded. Description of proposed facilities: The proposed project is being designed and bid as two projects, Phase I and Phase II. Phase I (Division I) already under construction and permitted, includes a new headworks structure with fine screening and new pumpage along with an equalization basln. Flowmeters would be provided on the plant pump discharge line, the equalization basin feed pump discharge line and the equalization basin return line. Phase II (Division II), this submittal, improvements include construction of a new three channel Oxidation ditch, two {2) new secondary clarifiers that are forty­ two (42) feet in diameter, two (2) existing thirty (30) foot diameter secondary clarifiers will remain in service and all clariflers will receive launder covers and current density baffles. New RAS/WAS pumps are proposed which will pump waste sludge from the new clarifiers to the existing anaerobic digester and/or return sludge from both existing and new clarifiers to the oxidation ditch. New transfer pumps will be installed that will continue to pump to the existing secondary clarifiers. All pumps will include VFD's to vary the speed and flow of transfer and WAS/RAS pumps. Flow splitting wi!I be installed so that flows can be directed to any secondary clarifier for ease of maintenance. New Phosphorus chemical feed facilities are proposed to meet future Phosphorus removal requirements. Chemical injection is proposed at the outlet weir of the oxidation ditch prior to secondary clarification A New Effluent meter/UV disinfection/post aeration structure is proposed. New UV equipment will be installed to replace existing UV and a new mag meter will be installed for effluent flow monitoring. The existing anaerobic digester will receive a new Jet mixing system and new roof to contain methane gas. Also proposed, replacing the existing waste gas burner. Existing waste sludge pumps from the existing secondary clarifiers will also be replaced. New sludge bag system will be included at the existing sludge drying bed's location, with two (2) being taken out of service and two {2) remaining in service. Existing primary clarifiers, trickling filters, chlorine contact tank, UV disinfection, recirculation and return pump station facilities will be taken out of service as new process, equipment and structures are designed to replace them D. Is project part of an Agreed Order? No E. How facility will maintain treatment during construction: All proposed facilities wil I be constructed prior to commissioning of the new facilities. The existing WWTP will maintain its cu1-rent operation during construction. 9. Source of Funding: USDA loan/grant 10.Estimated Total Project Cost: $9,000,000 DESIGN DATA 1. Average design flow: 1.30 MGD (after Phase I and 11) A. Domestic: 0.620 MGD B. Industrial/Commercial/Institutional: 0.480 MGD C. Infiltration/inflow: 0.200 MGD 2. Peak design flow: 3.75 MGD 3. Maximum plant flow capacity (MGD): 4. A. Combination of Treatment Plant and EQvolume: 5.75 MGD Design Strength: A. CBOD: 136 mg/l B TSS: 102mg/L C. NH3-N: 21 mg/L D P: 5 mg/l 5. Design Population Equivalent (PE) based on 0.17 lb. CBOD/PE influent loading): 8,674 111. 6. NPDES Permit Limitations on Effluent Quality: Outfall 001, White River A. CBOD 5: 25 mg/l Monthly Average, 40 mg/L Weekly Average B. TSS: 30 mg/l Monthly Average, 45 mg/L Weekly Average C. NH3-N: 10,2 mg/l Month!y Average, 15.3 mg/l Weekly Average D. P: No current limit E. pH:6.0-9.0 F. DO: No current limit G. Total Residual Chlorine: No current limit H. E.coli: 125 cfu/100 ml Monthly Average, 235 cfu/100 ml Daily Maximum 7. NPDES Permit Limitations on Effluent Quality: Outfall 002, Prides Creek A. CBOD 5 : 25 mg/l Monthly Average, 40 mg/L Weekly Average B. TSS: 30 mg/L Monthly Average, 45 mg/L Weekly Average C. NH3-N: Summer limits - 1.3 mg/l Monthly Average, 1.9 mg/l Weekly Average Winter limits - 1.9 mg/L Monthly Average, 2.9 mg/l Weekly Average D. P: No current limlt E. pH: 6.0-9.0 F. DO: No current limit G. Total Residual Chlorine: No current limit H. E.coli: 125 cfu/100 ml Monthly Average, 235 cfu/100 ml Daily Maximum: 8. Sampling Method and location: A. Influent (proposed): Automatic Sampler at New Headworks structure Phase I B. Effluent {existing): Grab Sampler after UV disinfection 9. Receiving Stream Outfall 001 A. Name: White River B. Stream Uses: Full Body Contact Recreational Use C. 7-day, 1-in-10-year low flow: 837 cfs (541 MGD) 10. Receiving Stream Outfall No. 002 A. Name: Prides Creek B. Stream Uses: Full Body Contact Recreational Use C. 7-day, 1-in-10-year low flow: 0.0 cfs (0.0 MGD) PLANT DETAILS 1. Laboratory Type: On-site, existing 2. Plant Site Fence Provided: Yes 3. Handrail/Grating Provided where necessary: Yes, New grating is provided over open channels in the headworks structure. 4. Flood Hazard elevation at 100-year flood: Approximately 426.9 feet 5. Provisions for mechanical/electrical component protection at 100-year flood: New mechanical/electrical equipment is elevated above the Base Flood Elevation 6. Type and rating of standby power equipment: 800 kW 7. Provisions of removing heavy equipment: Yes, chain hoist and trolley for new pump removal is provided. 8. Septage/leachate receiving facilities: Proposed A. Type of preliminary treatment: Proposed Mechanical Bar Screen B. Storage and controlled feed provisions: Plug valve on discharge line to headworks, plant pump controls and wet well capacity. C. location of discharge to treatment process: Prior to Proposed Meehanical Bar Screen IV. TREATMENT UNITS PLANT SITE LIFT STATION: Proposed, Pumping to Plant (Phase I) PLANT SITE LIFT STATION: Proposed, Pumping to Equalization Basin {Phase I) FLOW EQUALIZATION: Proposed {Phase I) INFLUENT FLOW METER:Proposed (Phase I) FAT. OILS AND GREASE SEPARATION: N/A COMMINUTOR: Existing, to be removed SCREENING: Proposed (Phase I) Primary Clarification: To be removed OXIDATION DITCH: Proposed 1. Number and dimensions (ft) of unit: One, three channel tank 2. Side water depth and freeboard (ft) of unit: 12' SWD; 3. Hydraulic detention time(hrs): 13.59 hrs 4. Organic loading (design average flow, lb CBDD/1000 ft 3 ): 14.99 lb CBOD/1,000 cf 5. Design MLSS concentration (mg/l): 2,100 mg/l 6. Design solids retention time (days): 11.1 days 7. Design F/M ratio (lb CBOD/day/lb MLVSS): 0.30, 0.18, 0.14 (outer, mid, inner) 8. Aeration equipment A. Type and number: Two -15 H discs and Two - 30 HP discs B. Efficiency (lb D2/HP-hr): 1.2181 9. Oxygen requirement (lb D2/day) A. CBOD removal: 1,635 lb/day B. NH,-N removal: 996 lb/day 10. Oxygen provided (lb D2/day): 2,631 lb/day 11.Flow velocity in ditch {ft/sec): 1.5 Ft/sec 12.Number and capacity of return sludge pumps (gpm): Three 225 GPM to 680 GPM each 13.Method of return sludge rate control: VFOs and telescoping valves 14. Return sludge rate as % of design average flow: 50-150% 15. Provisions for return rate metering A. Type and size: 6" Magnetic B. Location: Valve Pit 16. Return sludge discharge location: Any or all three aeration channels 17. Method of unit isolation: Slide gates between the three channels 18. Method of slow split control: Individual Influent Valves per channel TRICKLING FilTER: Existing, to be removed SECONDARY CLARIFICATION: Proposed 1. Type of clarifier: Circular, center feed, scraper mechanism 2. Number and dimensions (ft) of unit: Two 42' diameter 3. Side water depth and freeboard (ft) of unit: Twelve feet; Four feet 4. Surface overflow rate (gpd/ft 2 ) A. At design average flow: 311 gpd/sq. ft. B. At design peak hourly flow: 896 gpd/ sq. ft. 5. Hydraulic detention time(hrs) A. At design average flow: 6.94 hr B. At design peak hourly flow: 2.41 hr 6. Weir loading rate at design peak hourly flow (gpd/lin ft): 12,599 gpd/l.F. (150% RAS) 7. Location of overflow weir: Inside perimeter of trough 8. Method of scum collection: Scum hopper 9. Method of scum disposal: To digester 10. Type of sludge removal mechanism: Scraper mechanism 11. Method of unit isolation: Weir gates 12. Method of flow split control: Weir gates 13. Additional Information: N/A SECONDARY CLARIFICATION: Existing 1. To remain in service 2. Number and dimensions (ft) of unit: Two 30' diameter x 12' SWD CHEMICAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL: Proposed 1. Chemical properties A. Chemical name: Poly Aluminum Hydroxy Chloride (WSU HI 1997) B. Weight concentration in solution(%): 8.9-9.3% as Al, 16.88-17.5% as Al203 C. Specific gravity: 1.35 - 1.39 2. Chemical storage container A. Type: Conical Bottom B. Volume (gal): 2,200 gallons C. Expected storage supply (days): 57 days 3. Secondary containment A. Type: Concrete Containment Area B. Dimensions (ft) or volume (gal): 14'-0" x 14'-0" x 2'-0" SWD with 2'-0" freeboard, 5,864 gallons 4. Number and capacity of chemical feed pumps (GPH): Two, 11.1 GPH Max Rate 5. Design chemical feed rate: 2.4 GPH 6. location(s) of chemical injection: Chemical Feed Manhole on Oxidation ditch effluent line 7. Provisions for adequate mixing at injection point: Yes 8. Chemical building A. Method of ventilation control: Exhaust Fan B. Method of temperature control: HVAC C. Safety shower/eyewash equipment: Yes ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION: Proposed 1. Open channel or closed-vessel: Channel 2. Vertical, horizontal, or diagonal lamp orientation: Horizontal 3. lamp type: low pressure high intensity 4. Number of banks: Two 5. Number of modules per bank: Three 6. Number of lamps per module: Slx 7. Dosage (µWs/cm'): 35,000min. 8. Transmittance(%): 65% min. 9. Provisions for intensity monitoring: Yes 10. Type of level control provisions: Fixed weir, level sensor 11. Type of bypass provisions: Manual bypass 12. Type of safety equipment: Face shield and gloves 13.Automatic or manual cleaning equipment: Automatic 14.Additional information: N/A CASCADE POST-AERATION: Proposed 1. Number of steps: Five 2. Dimensions of steps (ft): Four x One 3. Total fall (ft): Five feet 4. Additional information: N/A EFFLUENT FLOWMETER: Proposed 1. Type and size (in): 16" Magnetic 2. location description: Pre-UV 3. Indicting, recording, and totalizing: Yes 4. Additional information: N/A ANAEROBIC DIGESTER: Proposed 1. Number and dimensions (ft) of unit: One 35' diameter (existing, proposed mixing system) 2. Side water depth and freeboard (ft) of unit: 21 ft, 2 ft 3. Volume (gal): 20,200 cu feet 4. Total design sludge loading (lbs/day): 1,256 lbs/day 5. Volatile solids percentage(%): 75% 6. Design solids retention time (days): 20 days 7. Type and size {HP) of mixing equipment: Jet Mixing, 15 HP 8. Internal or external heating: External 9. Decanting method: Valves 10.Discharge location of supernatant: Headworks 11. Additional information: N/A SLUDGE DRYING BED: Existing 1. Number and dimensions(ft) of unit: Two existing, two remain in service, 83.3 feet x 20 feet each 2. Method of unit isolation: Plug valves 3. Concrete ramp and runway provisions: Yes 4. Discharge location of drainage: Existing wet well SLUDGE DEWATERING BAG SYSTEM: Proposed 1. Number and volume (yd') of unit: Two, 30 cubic yards 2. Type of chemicals added: Polymer 3. Expected solids content of dewatered sludge(%): 20% 4. Drainage containment provisions: Yes 5. Discharge location of drainage: Existing drying beds 6. Additional information: N/A FINAL SLUDGE DISPOSAL: landfill DESIGN SUMMARY REVISIONS 08-27-21, 09-14-21, 09-20-23 <r;l 2021 �lidwe,tern Engin,,cr:s. Inc. 802 West Bro,"!wa;, Strt'C! P.O. lll>.\ 295 Loo�ootc.,. lndinn:, 47553 DAIT FEB. 2021 DESIGN C.W.R. DRAWN Q.C. CHECK R.D.W. PROJECT NUMBER 2015078-01 G1 02 3 OF 114 FILE NUMBER 42069 Do Not Use Plan Previews for Take Off