Midwestern Engineers, Inc. Plan Preview

� w C u , f a '"� �' I, !, " 00 C ffi � tu "" � I N- � 0� �� Oo �� �- --.. .� �l •w �tu --.. s- cc <i\ z" < o " u 00 • � �o "< Q "" c N -££ 0. <c . , •' --- :-. ' I . .. ' ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , . MATERIALS/ TANK DESCRIPTION FRP COVER SECTIONS - PART A (WITH TABS) FRP COVER SECTIONS - PART B (WITHOUT TABS) FRP MOUNTING SECTIONS - PART C FRP SUPPORT FLANGE SST MOUNTING BRACKETS SST LATCH SST LIFTING RING SST 3/8" X 3 3/4" EXP. ANCHOR, NUT, WASHER SST 2-1/2" X 48" CONTINUOUS HINGE WITH 1/4" x 3/4" PANHEADSL0T MACHINE SCREW, NUT, WASHER, LOCK WASHER SST 1/4 X 1 1/4" HHMB, NUT, (2) WASHERS, LOCK WASHER SST 1/B" X 4'-2" COVER RESTRAINT ASSEMBLY OUTSIDE RADIUS OF LAUNDER COVER K INSIDE RADIUS OF LAUNDER COVER M INSIDE RADIUS OF ./'.__/ SCUM BAFFLE C INSIDE RADIUS OF OUTER TANK WALL ·. COVER PANEL 'B' (START INSTALLATION AT CENTER OF BRIDGE) H OUTSIDE RADIUS OF WEIR WALL ,_1 L7 I I I �+� I - - I I I I I L -' - __J '.· FRP . ENGINEER/CONTRACTOR: PLEASE NOTE THE SCUMB0X MAY INTERFERE WITH THE LAUNDER COVER AT THAT LOCATION. THE INNER FLANGE OF THE COVER MAY NEED TO BE TRIMMED BACK TO AVOID THE SCUMB0X AND/OR SQUEEGEE. IF REQUIRED, CONTACT NEFC0 FOR TRIMMING DETAILS. SUPPORT FLANGE COVER PANEL 'B' COVER PANEL 'A' COVER PANEL 'B' COVER PANEL 'A' DUAL MOUNTING SECTION THROUGH WALL THICKNESS (TYP) E PROPOSED AND EXISTING CLARIFIER TANKS No. 1 & 2 COVER LAYOUT - PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE •, . ·_ .. ... • ',•. LAUNDER THROUGH WIDTH (TYP) �OUTER TANK WIDTH (TYP) WALL GENERAL NOTES: 1. FOUR TANKS, DIAMETER AT COVER - (SEE TABLE) 2. COVER PANELS ARE CHOPPED STRAND FRP WITH 1/4" MINIMUM THICKNESS. 3. MINIMUM 20 MIL GELCOAT ON UPPER PANEL SURFACE. COLOR IS MARINE WHITE. 4. 357-211 PLN CTC GLASS REINFORCEMENT OR EQUIVALENT. ADDITIONAL SUPPORT/REINFORCEMENT AS REQUIRED. 5. COREZYN, COR75-AQ-010, ISOPHTHALIC RESIN OR EQUIVELENT, WITH MINIMUM .05% BLACK PIGMENT, MAX 5% FILL ANO UV SUPRESSED. 6. PARTS SHALL BE OPAQUE BLACK BENEATH GELCOAT SURFACE, WITH NO FIBER SHOWING. 7. LAMINATE SHALL NOT HAVE LESS THAN 30% GLASS CONTENT 8. ONE-EIGHTH INCH RADIUS IN ALL CORNERS 9. PARTS ARE KNIFE TRIMMED, WITH EDGES SANDED AND HOT COATED. 10. ALL HOLES ARE FACTORY DRILLED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 11. ALL FASTENERS AND HARDWARE ARE 304 SST UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 12. FIELD CUT PANELS AS REQUIRED PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS. 13. EACH PANEL SHALL HAVE THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: PROPERTY T EST MINIMUM VALUE TENSILE STRENGTH ASTM 0-638 12,000 PSI FLEXURAL STRENGTH ASTM 0-790 20,000 PSI FLEXURAL MODULUS ASTM 0-790 1.0x10-6 PSI NOTCHED IZ00 IMPACT ASTM D-2S6 12 FT-LBS/IN BARCOL HARDNESS ASTM 0-2583 40 WATER ABS0RBTI0N ASTM D-570 0.2% © COPYRIGHT 2015 NEFCO, INC. PATENTS: U.S. PATENT NO. 5,965,023 DIMENSION SCHEDULE SYMBOL DESCRIPTION NEW FINAL EX. FINAL CLARIFIERS CLARIFIERS 42'-0"0 30'-0"0 C INSIDE RADIUS OF OUTER TANK WALL 21'-0" 15'-o" C OUTSIDE RADIUS OF LAUNDER COVER 21'-o" 15'-o" E TROUGH WALL THICKNESS 8" 8" H OUTSIDE RADIUS OF WEIR WALL 18'-10" 13'-o" K SCUM TROUGH WIDTH 8j" 10" M INSIDE RADIUS OF SCUM BAFFLE 18'-1l" 11'-5i" y MAX. OUTSIDE WIDTH OF ACCESS BRIDGE 3'-8" 3'-8" z TANK CIRCUMFERENCE 131·-11i" 109'-11j" M C-C ADJACENT COVERS AT TANK WALL BASIC LAUNDER COVER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: IMPORTANT NO TES: PLEASE READ ALL OF THE INS TRUCTIONS BEFORE ST ART I NG THIS INSTALLATION! THE COVER INSTALLATION WILL BEGIN AT THE ACCESS BRIDGE AND PROCEED FROM THERE IN A COUNTERCLOCKWISE MANNER. VERIFY ALL PERTINENT ELEVATIONS, DIAMETER, SIZES, ETC. BEFORE HANO. LOCATION AND DIRECTION FOR THESE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ARE DESCRIBED AS IF LOOKING OUTWARD FROM THE CENTER OF THE TANK (IE: TO THE RIGHT IS CLOCKWISE ANO LEFT IS COUNTERCLOCKWISE, ETC.). IT IS CRITI C AL TO PLAN THE LAYOUT PRIOR TO INSTALLING THE COVERS. QUES T IONS REGARD I NG ANYTHING, PLEASE CALL US F IRST AT (561l BASIC INSTRUCTIONS: IF YOU HAVE ANY 775-9303 . 1) First verify the maximum outside width of the Access Bridge (see table) as shown including the supporting structure and continue if ok, otherwise coll NEFCO immediately at the phone number listed on these plans. Locate the radial centerline of the access bridge as it would extend back to the center of the tank. Transfer the line down the inside face of the outermost tank wall, creating a vertical line from the top of the wall to a point about equal to the top of the weir wall. Transfer each vertical centerline mark down both sides of the weir wall, on top of the weir wall and both sides of the scum baffle as well. All vertical center lines should lie directly under the "imaginary centerline" of the access bridge walkway. Go to Step-2. 2) VERIFY THE TANK CIRCUMFERENCE (see table) to the diameter as shown (see table). Use a piece of 1/2" diameter PVC pipe CUT EXACTLY TO 10 FT (OR 20 FT) to help obtain the measurement precisely along the tank wall inner curvature by pulling it back tight against the tank wall. From the access bridge centerline established above, place the trailing edge of the pipe on the access bridge centerline then carefully mark the leading end of the pipe on the tank wall. Move the pipe around the tank taking great care to scribe each successive vertical line exactly and then relocate the trailing end of the pipe exactly over the previous scribed line. Measure the last distance (less than a pipe length) back to the starting point � with a tape measure. Add the tape measuement to the total number of 1OFT (or 20FT) lengths measured to obtain the overall tank circumference length. Compare this to the design circumference above and, IF THE OVERALL CIRCUMFERENCE VARIES BY MORE THAN ONE INCH, re-measure the circumference in the opposite direction. IF INCORRECT, CALL NEFCO IMMEDIATELY. If OK, go to Step-3. 3) Divide the actual circumference length for the tank from Step-2 by the number of cover assemblies required to be installed. The design length from center to center of adjacent covers at the tank wall is (see table). IF THIS VARIES BY MORE THAN 1/8" PER SECTION, CONTACT NEFC0, INC,, IMMEDIATELY. If O.K., starting at the access bridge centerline established in Step-1, mark equal spaced centerlines for each cover assembly around the tank along exterior wall just above the proposed top elevation of the FRP Support Flange as shown. 4) Layout the elevation and location of the FRP Support Flange (keried angle) around the tank outer perimeter wall. The Support Flanges are supplied in 10 FT lengths. The Support Flange installation may begin anywhere EXCEPT AS NOTED BELOW. Mark the anchor locations on the wall using the factory drilled holes in the Support Flange. Remove the flange, drill the wall holes and install the 3/8" anchors. (NOTE: When installed properly, the anchor should extend from the concrete though the FRP Support Flange, washer and nut plus approximately 3/8" to 1/2" of exposed thread for the Cover Cable Restraint installation later in Step-11 ). Secure the Support Flange to the wall. Continue installing the Support Flange around the tank wall. Field measure, cut and install the last section to fit. (SPECIAL NOTE: If the ci r cumfer ence of the tank wall is inte rr upted by an openi ng, you mus t start th e Support Flange installation by cente r ing the first section to scan acr oss this a rea as if the concrete wal l c ontinued to curve around t he tank. It is important for the s upport flange to maintain the proper wall curvature t h r oughout this area for the covers t o fit correc tly. 5) The launder covers are provided in two panel configurations - 'A' and '8'. The 'A' covers have overlapping flanges at each side which will cover the adjacent 'B' covers. The 'A' and 'B' covers each attach to a Weir Mounting Section (Part C) via the continuous stainless steel hinge. Connect the panels together at the hinge using the supplied 1/4" diameter HHMB fasteners. Next, locate the midpoint of each 'A' and '8' cover assembly along the outer "curved" edge of the Cover Section and along the innermost "curved" edge of the Weir Mounting section. Place a small pencil mark on the cover surface at each midpoint location to provide on alignment mark for Step-7 with the previous marks established in Steps-1 & 3 above. 6) Begin the cover installation at the center of the access bridge with one '8' cover assembly. First, attach the (3) SST Mounting Brackets to the underside of the fixed Weir Mounting Section as shown in cross Section A-A and the Top View using the 1/4" HHMB fasteners. Temporarily position the whole assembly (right side up) directly under the access bridge from the outer FRP Support Flange to the Scum Baffle. Center the assembly using the vertical line marks established in Steps-1, 3 and 5. Clamp the outer edges of the 'a' cover panel to the FRP Support Flange along the tank wall at the corners with a "soft" clamp while resting the SST brackets on the weir wall. Make adjustments as necessary to line the center of the cover to the centerline marks established in Step #1 & 3. Mork the bottom SST bracket anchor locations on the top of the weir wall using the slotted holes in the brackets. Remove the cover assembly, drill the anchor holes in the top of the weir wall, install the anchors, then reinstall the brackets over the 3/8" anchors. Reposition the cover assembly as before and secure the brackets to the anchors. CONTACT NEFCO, INC., IMMEDIATELY IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS BEFORE YOU BEGIN THIS PROCEDURE. 7) Move to the left of the bridge support, attach (3) SST Mounting Brackets to the underside of the fixed Weir Mounting Section of on '8' Cover Assembly as shown in cross Section A-A and the Top View using the 1/4" HHMB fasteners. When complete, temporarily position the whole assembly (right side up) from the outer FRP Support Flange to the Scum Baffle. Clamp the outer edges of the 'g' cover panel assembly to the FRP Support Flange along the tank wall at the corners with a "soft" clamp while resting the SST brackets on the weir wall. Make adjustments as necessary to align all centerline marks together with the proper gaps and offsets as shown in the Raised Tab Profile and Cross Section. Mark the bottom of the SST bracket anchor locations on the top of the weir wall using the slotted holes in the brackets. Remove the cover assembly, drill the anchor holes in the top of the weir wall, install the anchors, then reinstall the brackets over the 3/8" anchors. Reposition the cover assembly as before, then secure the brackets to the anchors. B) Continue installing the cover assemblies around the tank until complete. MAKE SURE ALL SPACINGS. D I S TANCES, OVERLAPS, ETC, ARE CONSTANTLY CHECKED AND VER IF IED AS YOU GO! (SPECIAL NOTE: DEPENDING UPON THE TANK CONFIGURATION AND RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT UTILIZED, THE INNER MOST FLANGE OF THE WEIR MOUNTING SECTION MAY INTERFERE WITH THE SCUM TROUGH/BOX STRUCTURE IF NOT FIELD TRIMMED. CONTACT NEFCO FOR TRIMMING INSTRUCTIONS IF APPLICABLE). 9) Make all final cover adjustments as required, then install lap fasteners between Weir Mounting Sections as follows: Using a soft clamp, clamp two adjacent Weir Mount Sections together, then field drill two 5/16" holes through both mounting sections at the factory detents located on the left end of the Weir Mounting Section approximately 1-1/4" in from the edge. Secure together with the same SST fasteners supplied for the SST Bracket to cover attachment. 10) After final cover adjustments ore complete, install miscellaneous optional hardware like lifting rings, latches or cover cable restraints. THE LATCH MECHANISM, when properly installed, is designed to use the handle above the cover to indicate the position of the latch tab and detent below the cover by both pointing in the some direction. Make sure that the latch handle detent is engaged far proper alignment and locking. THE COVER CABLE RESTRAINT, must be field located at both ends. First, Secure the coupling nut end to the exposed end of the closest FRP Support Flange 3/8" anchor about the midpoint of each cover near the wall. Next field locate and drill a 05/16" hole near the latch/lifting ring assembly for the eyebolt end to be attached. 11) THIS CONCLUDES THE BASIC COVER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. NEW & EXISTING FINAL CLARIFIERS - LAUNDER COVER I • u t:: - REVISIONS 09-20-2.3 (0 2021 1\!idwe.stem Enginc(·n,. Inc. 802 IVes! �ro.,dwny Stre�l PO. Hox 295 Lougook-e. lndiana.\755� DATE FEB. 2021 DESIGN T.M.K. DRAWN a.c. CHECK R.D.W. PROJECT NUMBER 2015078-01 S3.07 58 OF 11 4 FILE NUMBER 42014 I Do Not Use Plan Previews for Take Off