Midwestern Engineers, Inc. Plan Preview

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'l<,"n.k \\'"''01..,�.,;,iolJ bc,l 1h0.05 1h<,�lh<""""uft,,,�ioninJI, SIIRVfYUR'S>;OTI' Tilelb6,-.,dc><:rip!iooinc:lOOe>,ponionoft!o,'""'°"'"P'«lh)·thc:l 'e1onotl1jr =�• plant ood fao,lit;,,., ltL tot<"""'• ill<f<rnoybedwdod '"'< 1>;1h "'""'"";" ,..'>Of>hipn;,f,t>, Th< "Pl""""""""om.oc.:u�iN b) Ibo '°'"'' plan!""'1 lS:! l><<es Nlt<>.11hin),.'WAl#l'!0!1'1do.........,.tlltlulilll(-�OO-(IJ:Mlll!t!t•ad> --�Mlc;,Qllt�ffll!tdftf,\iibillelntill!li"1'ila'.Plm,m,la,lle""bolli 11=-.-11,1;,-- °"""8111d1W• o4"Xf"_,.� 1�,m<VJWl"111111<i11$t,,.-....,._oflilt --..'41...ot-4�frpa.�',mU,i'O��ltl,�f\l_,.�{l>fflrmt, -�..li'lolel>WN�.l-..lffll!l\'l!OI.J.lADt}}lrlq.t,f-.Clllflll!Pf...S q,.aa"tlll<!ti>ilfl���-Ollft*�\l�-,-,..81!\,...,.•(:'I".... MW(l<'om ,ijl •u,,t,:1;;11t,TRJA�'IN1r\;,--..-a,.•n.,,..,.1111.......­ ots..-i.1-,,.JV!ldft.o...,,_irMt&ti.(--.,..,hd'"G,l(if<O!� >.,t� nl: i!«tl.U.l'OIN'l(jl,l!OOOO,l!m1i11''1UtR:il.U'l'!,"il'"t,Uf.'P.fffttl �= ._,.s.a,r�u:,,....��£11:1 1$.z:!i<'Ol•u.....,._ ,._NrdrU�i'."'-�s.r...k£mll.'l!:Rtl'..1�-.""-"�"1' �1•:ii�•�£•m4'i&t"'.&�'JOl;-Mtll<!lil0.,,.0:,.D� 16�!:.$1<.-6"�-•---•....,,..._"•��M-,.:<sk._f;d(l . a, Jirlt.,,.-.....ii.c:-�•T��'tf.-OS�1atlS.a.Mlws1111j.<IIIII• -St-'•�O.-'Z!�ZJ.�tH�-'.t""'•·�--�" °""'"" 11Milloof;;;al-'-1>1,�k>N...,-...,9--s.lkl'J�M� .,�Ulli6�..t'l1"i'<"'•..,_..•-�"D.filMIIM'.....,,_s.c,,.,....,.�-.e .r.,,,.,1 ..,-: 1t1;-!;a,'>ttlot,,,,. !�,_II�.e.,; Jli(IJ:IWI.,.•..,._. •--.i;..� 111-o.....,.«i ltl'.-f•--,.&ltu.i1 ""'••_,_;I•--11 n-.s-JS!,,I_QOI_Q,t,;1, lffl11>1..... 1-..... S.t��� li--!'°"ta.U....,11t..-li!l._...,_i1���!4...,,.....i;_.tl,U """••--.l• �i;.w;,i._.c,-,:,�;:.,.nir,i.,.eo...,...a• !"4,.....,.�-c.,i;,,a,12".ltJi;,t-, .....�'10.,-.J. \\-,,._EM lo.54,0;m,.,�--1!1-"-I•-,.--n.,,.....,,,,.......,IRIM& ....... ...-----·-�- "8"""'""'•·�-�.....- ,;t.lt\'l 'b�f�n! •�Al:.-r,� ...�-•1hrls-.crU.o,a...•llm- �- ��1'1""1--•-lbtM<llfll)-L�ar.ll�...........!!QlN .....td:i.-,oi llN-. �q------��o(�t-.:tt ':.1ll0 PLAT OF SURVEY PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION (27), AND A PART OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION (27), ALL IN TOWNSHIP (1) NORTH, RANGE (8) WEST IN PIKE COUNTY, INDIANA. LEGEND • 518.robatset flush witl> plastic cap inscrlbed "Greg KISMJ 2070007/i" D . 1n8g•rmi/ setflush ■ • t/lfl'J•"lli/ S(J/ f/(J#I ,vi//1 t>mss wes/\arinscrlbad "G.Kis.,;el 20700076" 0 - monument fo,,11d as 110,<>d -.-' • 1" i;oJidiron clrnfl foom! 24" I 00/owgrnda. so•in /er,grh wilh rllo ropbani; p/r,cad5'8" ta/me wilh p!asuc cap ctirac//y beside (m) • /,�IdmaaSllffl<I dim,msion (r) - da<Xirecord orp/aire;.-ord (!;m&rrsion (C) • C81C!!1Atl';d d!tnellSl()f) Record documentation of parent tract is described in Ins. #201 700001 599 Margarett Sue Sullivan (TOD) GENERAL NOTES: 1) A tll>t:I of land was deeded to ll1e Ci!y or Patersburg, fndieri.� In 1959 (Deed Book 71 , Page 122). The des�r!plioo of this tract ls oot IJ.od to any secl!On comars and t>cgTns al the SW. Comer ol lhe SewE19e disI,os,,I plam lol. No descrlpI1<;,n is found which def i nes Iha k>c'l�on of lhe o<iglnal Sewage Dlspos.al Plan! Loi_ Therefore, ttre t>ou11d�ries of 1he parcel demled In 1%9 c,moo! be delirwd based on tl1e wr i ltan e\'ldenca. The '""" shown � for apprrndmate loa1tlon only es a raf!)(ence. 2) Tille lo the property of 11,e Sewer Plan! location is r"IOI toond No deed record is recovered convey,r,g anyprope�y to lhe Clly of Po:o(f;burg. nus area is rnado reference to a deed ,n 1934 [Deed Book 54 Page 3),whict,conveyssurrounding prQPIJrl!es ,rnd makes rmmtlon ol a one11cre. exception 'leasad to Pete,sburg Sanitary Sowt>r Company fora sower rwuction plant with rights lo access thereto the fee oubjecl lo tho righls of sakl Sanitary Sower company thtm,in being hereby convoyed". Sub511quenl adjoining parcel lrans/el'S refe, to th1sar0a as an exc,,ption and/or a lease. This area. enclosing lhe sewer pjanl, is subj<,cl to �"' r&&ills of an accurate litle search. :I) TimWabashmld EneCem:<Iwos once present In theklc3L""1 of Ihis ,mrvey, and is nowl\ot active. Re,nnants of H>Yold ca,ml l$ vlslble Inloc!llions shown on lhfs survay. nus su,vey issubject lo any �rslonary rights (orothernghts) involved w,ih Iha lttle right-of-way of Iha �d canal 4) The current location of Prides Creek vanes 1,orn ;ts origTnal locat,or, at the time of titla creeIton. The current location Is likely tho result ofa constnJClion projact to improve the condilions orthe ,;,eek. There may b<e rights es..<SC>ciated with the original loca�on at>d the change in location along lhTs �.onldo<. 5) n,e sut,jec1 reel estate is physk:ally acceSSGd via an aspl,elt drive which GOfme<:ts with Spruce Stroot. ThisslrMl Is shown as "HIOh Streat"on tho or!ginal platof Sny-rec's Addl�Oll. Hc r ,.'t!Vm, !ha pta1t<ld straet per Snyder's Addition •mds on the <1ast SKl6 or the Wab!lst> and Erle Cenat The easl line of tho parent real estals i$ me Cf/nter of u,a okl Canal There may tre prescr(ptj-.,e rights arid/or o!hor righls invO:ve<:1 wm, \he !Ggal acc<1ss lo 1h� mWestate. 6) This su,vey Is nm sn ALTAIACSM Land nI<1 Survey. Rtteord doc1.1ments shown on this survey are Jound 1hrough rnsasn;h af Kissel u,nd SurVilying, UC at theCOU<lty courtl1ouse. Ki1lsel Land Su,veylng, LLC Is not a Utle examiner Pr a!)Str.lcting campan�. Kissel Lar,d $UIV<l)itng, LLC is r,ot ""'&ponsibw for dOGUments that are shown or not �hown on u-,;,; sunmy which may be found by a tile compan)' or attorney conC(lrrimg a utfe c,;,mmltmenl policy 7) Sullject to all !e,;�I rlghl-ol-v."'ys an,I/or aasamenls 8) Pcrtions of lhe surveyed tract ha wiU"n the Flood Zone I. Gregory A Kissel, a Registered Land Surveyor In the State of Indiana, do hereby certify that this survey was perfom1ed under my direction and to thet besi of my knov,1edge arid belief was ex led according to I.A.C. Title 865•1·12. /... (date) 4" X a• stooe !mmrl 1" above grade NWCor, NW 114, Soc.21,T+N,R-8-W N 1.19•59•01• E/.m) TT0.1l8'fm) 'ffll'1(rl;" e<:Jc,,._,./ti MM"F411-I0�""'"116W C<1r1<ff!t/Illa inrlwM111t1 of TerryHo/,11, Doc #2012-0833 i 112" rebm found r beloW grdda (wtlh mangle<! cap) SWC-Or, NW.114, Sec.27,T·1·N.R·8"W � ...,..-8;6S-{'8l� S 00•5:1·.14·E , ,r, ?1!'1<1 • C i '• l ' ! ' • l1 a • ' I • ' ' ' ' � � i; ! z WS,£70-/t) s 55•31'43" W 41 76'fm) I -· - -· SB11'5l'4''11 "'4, c\ ' l ' ! ; • ' t ii " l !, ,• I I Hol<.e. J,w,Ann 8 184, P 25g Hoi<<J, J�ne Ann B.184, P.259 N 119"59'01" E 656.20'(m) • • t� � fl� � if <tj , . . �ED/tiATC'1EDAREA 1- oppro>.<m•,o .,..alp�rcel -� 1,0. lt,. Cll;'t ql ��«l>llft It\ 19$tl, see G€NfR.-'l.NOT1o •• tl>Wf'. Sfl>do;>(>llni,•(t) �••E65rodo2<).l,tlt•(-boo� ?, P!lG4J - - - -�-- 37.508 Acres T/!is acreage includes the area currently used es 1he exiSllng sewertreatmentplant. In th,s area of , roosowerpli>nl. clouded title exists. See surveyor'sreport '.l05.t6'(ml NOTE; Tn<r,erm1y be ro>a<1ar1rlgh!,) lrwolv&d\lnth 111i, praViOus loc/lllo" o1 f>rl<lm Cmek, end !hacurn,ri\ KX:atioe, sO'G wrv<ryor"8 r�p,:>rt l • • • " � � " "llllt'W( W E ' • '1 h fl • I � ' • • _f'J ·"• • Qrtl>"W«#ffiatKtIll�� IIIII.Jlljt't1-se,..XWKP..1 s 89'53'44" E 1�8.00'(c N89"53'44"W 2679.28'(m) """ u.s e,,;,,r., (t/ sag �o«·w :,:i.OO'iO) N 39•53•44• W 838,$3'(m) G/i>d,sh. fo,ry Lw & DavidP D IJ. 171 P. 121 m=, 231'{'} ,,,.,., 3,,,.,.m, (1/ 112· rcbarlnund 7" bntowgrade (will> mangled cao) SE Cor. NW 114 . Sec.27.T-1-N R-8-W 5.18" Iron pin found 3· below grade with plastic cap •Fred Kuester IN RLS S0137" NE.Cor, NW.1I4. Sec.27.T-1-N.R-8-W N 89'53'4�" W 211 .40'(m) Gla"1s/> T<1ty L"" & DBVld P DB !7J. f". J21 120' 240' I • Bearmgs rm,I.J8sed011 Stale P/;;ne Coordinates. lndi,ma Zone Wost NAO 83 - Les/ dete of r7e/dwork· 03/05'20HI "-"' l"'-"'<l,b"""" ,.,. ,u .,,r.-oyd"" r""'""' �..-J,>to,1 Mo,' ij •-� b1''-" � \\,o, . /'_ . .--:,•,r;::;.,�� ff l...,,o! P-'9 dai,>,"l M.,y�. 1� lry fl""1T Wl'\ls N 1r5,•;;�·1•1 50�i<J N11'54W5/JS(,/ """ f°"'"I (bvfi<a<I. rn>! r;IY.:O.-Of<>d)"' road 518" mbar found flush Wllh plasIIc cap Inscribed 'K.W. Rowland" Thisinstmm,:miis prepa,ed by n� 1:l6'J F.., 900 s. Fon �rq.1u;h. IN 47(!48 (8:12) 753. - f23J - /812} 632 - 88.;H WI-YW,i«Sl!f!/$ilfVfJ')'l!ljlsC(!"1 PETERSBURG SEWER PLANT SCALE DATE DRAWN BY 12-0 Hln 03-0S.2019 • • .. , Mld,w>S\em SHEET , 2G1S-017 Er,y;,,,,..,.., 1,..,_ S I TE BOU NDARY SURVEY I I en I- z w 0 ::iE a: en w � I- � > <( � 0 � ::E ::i a: w w � 0. !ii > ::iE <( 0 r.r; � - � � w a � 00 § u <( z :$ 0 z - ::iE Cl ::? � I [:--, . w z ;: ... � � I- I- z a: en !!1 <C 0 LI. 0.. :, >- � ..I � 8 en a. ' I- 0 a: - z w W z W :.:: >-< - � Q � Q. 3: en � [:--, H w 2: a: u I- 0 I- en � REVISIONS it) 2021 /,lidwc,I�n1 Engin�rs, Inc. sm w��1 Broadway Street P.O. Box 2'15 Lt)Q�om�e. lndian:i 4755. l DATE FEB . 202 1 DESIGN C .W. R . DRAWN Q.C. CHECK R . D .W. PROJECT NUMBER 20 1 5078-0 1 V1 0 1 7 OF 1 1 4 FIL£ NUMBER 42065 I I Do Not Use Plan Previews for Take Off