Midwestern Engineers, Inc. Plan Preview
0 < u � "' 0 0 0 �' ww " w " 0 < w 0 " w " ' �u ., w "" �� � �' , �� �S' � �;,; -o •w •e '- Ow Qn:' ., ;J wO zU -Z ::l �-, "o �< >Y 5N es ,. <• r • 7495Z 7495M3 5235J Set BJ INDEX SHEET NO. SUBJECT ,.. l @ 2" IPE ZS61'l Q PLAN VIEW GRATE SECTION r ,� 3/F<i . �- 2 "" 7/8'" FRAME SECTION -- 'G • /8" L_/- 1 - GRATE SECTION - - \ s=; 24 3/"" 27 3/8'" FRAME SECTION -\_ ,, J..j_j Product Number 00749541C11 Design Features -Materials Curb Inlet Frame Gray Iron (CL35B) Grate Gray Iron (CL35B) Miscellaneous Casting Ductile Iron (70-50-05) -Load Rating Heavy Duty -Open Area 231 Sq. Inches -Coating Dipped • - Designates Machined Surface Certification - ASTM A536 ·ASTM A48 -Country of Origin: USA Major Components 00749510 00749541 00523550 Drawing Revision 06/21/2006 Designer: JMB 12/10/2019 Revised By: MAH Disclaimer Weights (lbs./kg) dirnem;1ons (inches/mm) and drawings provided for your guidance. We reserve the right to modify specifications without prior notice. CONFIDENTIAL: This drawing is the property ofEJ GROUP, Inc., and embodiesconfidential information, registere<J marlcs. patents. trade secret information, and/or know how that is the property of EJ GROUP, Inc. Copyright©2012 EJ GROUP. Inc. All rights reserved. Contact 1 Curb Ramp Drawing Index and General Notes 2-3 Perpendicular Curb Ramo Typical Placement 4 Perpendicular Curb Ramp Component Details 5 One-Way-Directional Perpendicular Curb Ramp Typieal Placement 6 One-Way-Directional Perpendicular Curb Ramp Component Details 7 Parallel Curb Ramps Typical Placement 8 Parallel Curb Ramp Component Details 9 Blended T ranSition Curb Ramo. Deoressed Curb Ramo and Diaoonal Curb Ramo Tvnical Placement 10 Blended Transition Curb Ramp Component Details 11 Median Cut-Through and Median Perpendicular Curb Ramp TypK:al Placement 12-13 Det ectable Warning Surface Placement and Configuration 1 4 Detectable Warning Surface Det ails GENERAL NOTES: 1. All slopes are absolute rather than relative to the sidewalk or roadway grade. Slopes at least 0.50% less than the maximum are preferred. 2. Ramp or Blended Transition. A ramp or blended transition shall be used to lower or raise the sidewalk to connect with the street or highway. 3. Turning Space. A turning space shall be provided at the top of a perpendicular ramp, bottom of a parallel ramp, or where the pedestrian travel requires a change in direction. A common turning space may be shared by adjacent ramps. The turning space shall have a minimum dear dimension of 4 ft x 4 ft. Where the turning space is constrained at the back of the sidewalk by a curb, retaining wall, building, or feature over 2 inches in height, the minimum clear dimension shall be 4 ft x 5 ft, with the 5-ft dimension in the direction of the ramp running slope. 4. Flared Side. A flared slde shall be used adJacent to a walkable surface. A flared side may be used adjacent to a non-walkable surface. A flared side shall have a maximum slope of 10.00% measured parallel to the back of the curb. 5. Return Curb. A return curb is placed perpendicular to the roadway curb. A return curb may be used adjacent to a non-walkable surface. A return curb shall not be used adjacent to a walkable surface. The return curb may be omitted where the non-walkable surface is flared and the curb adjacent the roadway is tapered to meet the flush curb at the bottom of the ramp. 6. Clear Space. A clear space shall be provided beyond the bottom grade break of a curb ramp wholly contained within the crosswalk and wholly outside the parallel vehicular travel path. The clear space shall have a minimum clear dimension of 4 ft x 4 ft. 7. Detectable Warning Surface. A detectable warning surface shall consist of truncated domes and be placed at each street, highway, or railroad crossing. The detectable warning surface shall extend a minimum of 2 ft in the direction of pedestrian travel and be placed the entire width of a ramp, blended transition, or turning space. 8. Runnlng Slope. The running slope of a ramp, blended transition, or turning space shall be measured parallel to the direction of pedestrian travel. a. A running slope of 2.00% or less ls considered level. b. A ramp shall have a maximum running slope of 8.33% but shall not require a ramp length to exceed 15 ft. c. A blended transition shall have a maximum running slope of 5.00%. d. A turning space shall have a maximum running slope of 2.00%. 9. Width. Unless otherwise noted, minimum width of a ramp, blended transition, or turning space, excluding flared sides or return curb, shall be 4 ft. 10. Grade Break. A grade break at the top and bottom of a ramp, blended transition, or turning space shall be perpendicular to the running slope. Grade breaks shall not be within the ramp, blended transition, turning space, or detectable warning surface. Grade breaks shall be flush. Vertical discontinuities shall not be greater than 1/2 in. Where a discontinuity is greater than 1/4 in. the surface shal\ be beveled with a slope not steeper than 1V:2H. 11. Cross Slope Exceptions. The cross slope of a ramp, blended transition, or turning space shall be measured perpendicular to the direction of pedestrian travel. a. The maximum cross slope at a pedestrian street crossing without posted yield or stop control shall be 5.00%. b. The maximum cross slope at a pedestrian street crossing with posted yield or stop control shall be 2.00%. c. The maximum cross slope at a midblock crossing shall be the establlshed grade of the adjacent roadway. 12. Counter Slope. A counter slope is the cross slope of the gutter or street adjacent the running slope of the ramp, blended transition, or turning space. See NOTE: USE SAFETY BAR 00523550 IN COMBINATION 800 626 4 653 ejco.com Standard Drawing E 604-SWCR-14 for counter slope details. ROLLED CURB CASTING DETAIL 13. Objects such as a utility cover, vault frame, and grating shall be placed outside the curb ramp. I "' �- �- b f-- f-- - 6" 2'-0" 6" - 1o I PLAN 6 t-- 2 -0" ---t 6 ..•· .·· .• .. ,.·,, . . . , ,: .. � . -• •• • ,:.· •- . . ·- . . _, . , ·· ... . ...... ·.• '•• "<>: •-' .... 8 . :, .... SIDE ELEVATION NOT TO SCALE OUTLET PIPE GENERAL NOTES 1. If inlet pipe is required, A 2 , B 2 , shall be increase or decreased 1'-0", as directed. 2. 2" pipe drain from bottom of curb to inlet. Aggregate to be placed around inlet end of pipe. 3. 3" min. dia. pipe to be kept open for drainage of subgrade or base until surface ls placed. Q) 3" PIPE OUTLET PIPE TYPE J CURB INLET NOTTO SCALE 0 w " a: 0� w a: a_ "" 14. Curb ramps shall be placed within the marked crosswalk area. 15, Drainage inlets should be located uphill from a curb ramp to prevent ponding in the path of pedestrian travel. a: WIDTH OF WALK OR MAX 6'-0" t--- w z z � BETWEEN TRANSVERSE JOINTS � ::,; i5 7 t--- w "' z "' i5 II 0: � w 7 > "' z <( a: t--- 1--- - - - ---- - 48' BETWEEN EXPANSION JOINTS (MAX) " ·- . . I . . .. .. ' t--- z 0 7 w "' a: w > "' z <( a: t--- PREPARED SUB GRADE COMPACTED IN _J ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 207 OF THE LATEST VERSION OF INDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS BASE SHALL CONSIST OF 6-INCHES OF _j COMPACTED B-BORROW OR COMPACTED #53 STONE. NOTES: EDGE AND BROOM FINISH. NO "PICTURE FRAME" FINISHED WILL BE PERMITTED 2 ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS "A'' CONCRETE W/ FIBER MESH REINFORCEMENT 3. 8" DEPTH CONCRETE AND 6" COMPACTED AGGREGATE, NO. 53 TO BE USED ACROSS DRIVES 0 w " a: � w 0: a_ ;,, 4. ALL TRANSITIONS BETWEEN EX!STING WALKS, CURBS, GUTTERS, OR DRIVEWAYS MUST BE FLUSH AND FREE FROM ABRUPT CHANGES 5. OWNER MUST ALLOW ADEQUATE TIME FOR CURING OF CONCRETE.DAMAGE ASSOCIATED WITH PREMATURE USAGE OF THE WALK BY OWNER OR CONTRACTOR WILL NOT BE REIMBURSED 6. CONTRACTOR AND OWNER ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANUP OF All FORMS, SPILLED MATERIAL. AND OTHER DEBRIS GENERATED BY THE PROJECT CONCRETE SIDEWALK OR TRAIL DETAIL NOTTO SCALE 6" CONCRETE CURB ANO GUTTER EXPANSION JOINT (!) ;J:! ' "' � ' Q: � NOT TO SCALE ROLLED CURB /IND GLITTER EXPANSION JOINT ROLLED CURB - BARRIER CURB TRANSITION DETAIL NOTTO SCALE ,. • ' • • • • , • • I ' ' • Flared Side Detectable Warning Surface Curb Flush with Pavement and Gutter Line • ' •' • ' • • • � ,, • , , , o' I e' , <o'>� e, <. -.o'e o<s' :if" "'., e ,:: pP (' 0 <-,,S V ' • ,, • , ' • • Return Curb . ., i , ,' � ' , • Curb (Typ.) ' •a , ,,. ' Clear Space ,,- > / / / / / / Pedestrian Street Crossing Crosswalk Markings TYPICAL CURB RAMP COMPONENTS INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CURB RAMP DRAWING INDEX AND GENERAL NOTES SEPTEMBER 2018 STANDARD DRAWING NO. E 604-SWCR-01 03/20/18 DATE TYPICAL DETAILS REVISIONS BID SET 0 2-025 Midwe.srem Engineers. Inc. 802 West Broadway Str�'Cl P.O. Bo.\ 295 Loogootee, lndi,urn 47553 DATE JANUARY 2025 DESIGN CWR !_ BDH DRAWN MKW !_ DRK Q.C. CHECK PROJECT NUMBER 2024024-04 1 3 13 OF 19 I Flt.£ NUMBER I 44424 Do Not Use Plan Previews for Take Off
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